認證資料 Certification Data
- 聯系人:錢賢
- 官網地址:www.sh-tdxd.com
- 經營模式:其他機構
- 主營產品:工業洗衣機設備,萬用夾燙平機,全自動石油干洗機,四氯乙烯干洗機,全自動洗脫兩用機,雙滾三滾燙平機
- 所在地:上海市#上海市上海市奉賢區四團鎮洪廟工業區洪賢路8號
- 供應產品:12
Product details特點:不銹鋼風道,不銹鋼管道,蒸汽烘干, 經久耐用。 GXQ系列全封閉帶制冷回收環保干洗機引進國外先進技術并采用全懸浮技術以及微電腦全自動變頻控制電器,具有外觀新穎,操作簡便,噪音低,環保無污染,能源消耗小,溶劑回收率高等特點,具有一條龍洗滌,是 洗滌行業中超前產品。 GXQ series completely closed with the recovery of oil cooling machine that the introduction of foreign advanced technology and full-suspension technology, as well as microcomputer automatic frequency control of electrical appliances, with a new look, easy operation, low noise, environmental pollution, energy consumption is small, solvent recovery and high , with one-stop washing and is ahead of washing products industry.
Contact Us- 聯系人姓名:錢賢
- 聯系人職位:經理
- 聯系人手機:13391091878
- 企業電話:021-57133823
- 詳細地址:上海市#上海市上海市奉賢區四團鎮洪廟工業區洪賢路8號